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Our services are thoughtfully created and modified to work for you in the fastest most efficient way possible. Listed below you will see the services provided and a deeper description of what you will get out of the service. When deciding on what service fits you and your family best just remember if it has been a while since you last cleaned and or you have never had a professional clean then initial deep is perfect for you. Let's say that you receive regular cleaning services, you are just wanting more detailed cleanings the standard clean is your best option. If you are moving into a new place and want to make sure that it is sanitized and clean upon move in or you are moving out and not wanting to do all of the work to earn your deposit back, then move in move out is for you. If there is a service that you are looking to receive and you do not see it listed, please feel free to ask when receiving your estimate.

Our pricing is based on square footage, condition & type of clean.

  • Ideal for homes that have gone months without being cleaned.

    8 hr

    Sqft & Condition
  • Additional services upon request not included in our different types o...

    1 hr

    For each add on
  • Businesses/Airbnb looking to clean and sanitize the workspace.

    3 hr

    Sqft & Frequency
  • Ideal for clients looking to move in and or out of a home!

    10 hr

    Sqft & Condition
  • Ideal for Weekly & Biweekly Cleanings!

    2 hr

    Sqft & Frequency
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